The 2 hour programs include a broad selection of musical and dance styles from the  cultural heritage of Australia, which is also a world music repertoire.

Leading exponents of their art: professional musicians, choirs, vocalists and instrumentalists, present the program as one musical unit. They ring the famous Federation hand-held bells throughout the entire program, from each performer’s segment to the next, creating a seamless flow of sound. Over 100 performers and audience join in bell ringing,  creating a powerful spirit of unity and togetherness, celebrating the beauty of our diversity, as one community,  as one world…

The holder of the brand name of the  WE ARE THE WORLD! Bring a bell!™ Concerts  is the Mt Battery Unity in Diversity Trust (http://www.ecoharmonyvalues.info ). These Concerts are especially designed for family viewing by all communities worldwide and for  national and  international tourists to enjoy.  Permission is possible to obtain by interested event organisers for the use of the brand name of the WE ARE THE WORLD! Bring a bell! Concerts™ by contacting the Mt Battery Unity in Diversity Trust mail@ecoharmonyvalues.info. A sample of these Concerts is below: the Collage of the 2018 Concert held at Melbourne Town Hall, in the production of the Cosmic Harmony Foundation Inc. (https://www.cosmicharmonyfoundation.net/Index.html) .